IGCSE Global Perspectives

 blue and brown desk globe 


Global & National Perspectives

An Example of Global Perspective

‘According to the World Health Organisation, climate change is likely to have a major impact on available water resources by changing rainfall patterns and increasing the frequency of droughts around the world, including in China.’

An Example of a well supported Global Perspective 

Light pollution is recognised by the UN environment programme as an issue that must be addressed. At the Convention on Migratory Species of Wild Animals thirteenth meeting of the Conference of Parties (CMS COP13) in Gandhinagar, India, light pollution was considered for the first time after the European Union and Australia submitted independent draft resolutions each. The Government of Australia has proposed guidelines that can allow us to use artificial light in a better way. ‘The guidelines recognize the potential of conflicting requirements for wildlife conservation and human safety and the need for a balance between the two.’

 How to conclude a perspective?

‘…………………I discovered that many Indians are conservative and believe that men can give back more to the family than women, that is, carry the family name and generate income whilst women are there only for household purposes’.

A national perspective should show a national viewpoint on the issue presented, or an opinion, or a feeling about, or an attitude to the national situation.

An Example of National Perspective

With 60% of the Amazonian rainforest in Brazil, it is no doubt that the country's management of the Amazon will have the most significant effect. The government has an economic development centered perspective and is exploiting the Amazon to reach their goals. Brazil's President vetoed all non-hydro power alternatives in January 2016 for the five-year development plan (Yale environment journal, 2017). Similarly, the president has indicated a willingness to fast-track the development of a Canadian company's large-scale gold-mining operation that was earlier halted for its environmental impact (The Washington Post, 2019). The fines for environmental crimes have dropped to allow for unrestricted development as the President claims the Amazon rainforest as Brazil's wealth. His agenda is backed by a majority of Brazilian farmers who argue that economic growth is a constitutional right (BBC, 2019).

Important Information

The global perspective may agree with the national perspective or there may be opposing perspectives, global or national or both.

Some candidates find it a challenge to present the different perspectives on their issue, giving instead information about different places. Mere information cannot be considered as a Perspective.


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